Sunday, April 24, 2011

An ancient city cast in stone

I recently returned from a trip to the Middle East, including a visit to Petra, Jordan, the ancient Nabataean city hewn and chiseled out of the solid rock cliffs. Although wind, rain, and mother nature have taken their toll over the centuries, the city is still an amazing sight.  Here are a few images from this awe-inspiring place.

Tomb with a View, Petra, Jordan
Canon 60D w/Tamron 17-50mm lens @25mm

High Place of Sacrifice, Petra, Jordan
Canon 60D w/Tamron 11-16mm lens @ 11mm

Covered Parking, Petra, Jordan
Canon 60D w/Tamron 17-50mm lens @50mm

El Khazneh (The Treasury), Petra, Jordan
Canon 60D, Tamron 17-50mm lens @35mm

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